April 2024 (Hit F11 to view full frame)
Coded locations
for the following photos may be found on each photo under the
date. BC=Bonnet Carre Spillway CP=City Park, NOLA MET=Metairie, LA WE=West End, NOLA |
1 Ruby-throated Hummingbird |
2 Likely a type of stinkbug (½" long) |
3 Cattle Egrets |
4 Killdeer |
5 Killdeer (close-up) |
6 Little Blue Heron |
7 Tricolored Heron |
8 Upland Sandpiper |
9 Upland Sandpiper |
10 Spotted Sandpiper |
11 Spotted Sandpiper |
12 Royal Tern |
13 Laughing Gull |
14 Laughing Gull |
15 Laughing Gull |
16 Royal Tern |
17 Royal Tern |
18 Royal Tern |
19 Royal Tern |
20 Royal Tern |
21 Male Red-winged Blackbird |
22 Male Red-winged Blackbird |
23 Artsy male Red-winged Blackbird |
24 Bald Eagle |
25 Male Orchard Oriole |
26 Male Red-bellied Woodpecker |
27 Male Red-bellied Woodpecker (close-up) |
28 Fiery Skipper unrolling its proboscis |
30 Blue-winged Teal pair |
31 Drake Blue-winged Teal |
32 Great Blue Heron |
33 Male Red-winged Blackbird |
34 Male Red-winged Blackbird |
35 Male Red-winged Blackbird |
36 Male Red-winged Blackbird |
37 Female Red-winged Blackbird |
38 Sora |
39 Sora |
40 Cliff Swallow |
41 Cliff Swallow |
42 Cliff Swallow (close-up) |
43 Cliff Swallow |
44 Cliff Swallows |
45 Cliff Swallows |
46 Cliff Swallows |
47 Cliff Swallows |
48 Cliff Swallows |
49 Cliff Swallow |
50 Cliff Swallow |
51 Cliff Swallows |
52 Cliff Swallows |
53 Cliff Swallows |
54 Cliff Swallows |
55 Cliff Swallows |
56 Greater Yellowlegs |
57 Spider Lily |
58 Spider Lily |
59 Spotted Sandpiper |
60 Sandhill Crane a brief visitor at City Park |
61 Sandhill Crane |
62 Sandhill Crane |
63 Purple Martin pair |
64 Immature Bald Eagle at Henican Street nest |
65 Red-eared Turtle |
66 Double-crested Cormorant with Gizzard Shad (notice the pink Apple Snail eggs) |
67 Double-crested Cormorant with catfish |
68 Double-crested Cormorant |
69 Double-crested Cormorant |
70 Male Ruby-throated Hummingbird |
71 Male Ruby-throated Hummingbird |
72 Female Summer Tanager |
73 Female Summer Tanager |
74 Female Summer Tanager |
75 Female Summer Tanager |
76 Blue Dasher (an old female) |
77 Female Ruby-throated Hummingbird |
78 Male Ruby-throated Hummingbird snoozing |
79 Male Red-bellied Woodpecker |
80 Male Ruby-throated Hummingbird |
81 Monarch |
82 Yellow-crowned Night Heron |
83 Yellow-crowned Night Heron |
84 Great Blue Heron |
85 Bald Eagle |
86 Immature Bald Eagle |
87 Artsy Red-winged Blackbird |
88 Male Red-winged Blackbird |
89 Male Red-winged Blackbird |
90 Male Red-winged Blackbird |
91 Male Red-winged Blackbird |
92 Female Red-winged Blackbird |
93 Female Red-winged Blackbird |
94 Female Red-winged Blackbird |
95 Bobolinks |
96 Bobolinks |
97 Bobolink |
98 Bobolink |
99 Bobolink |
100 Bobolink |
101 Bobolink |
102 Least Tern |
103 Drake Blue-winged Teal |
104 Black-necked Stilt |
105 Florida Cooter |
106 Florida Cooter (close-up) |
107 Barn Swallow |
108 Cliff Swallow |
109 Cliff Swallow |
110 Salt Marsh Caterpillar |
To view two montages of most of these shots please click HERE and find Panels 5 and 6. |